Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bento boxes for beginners?

I am interested in making bento boxes for my room mates and myself. They seem like nice, small portioned, healthy meals, and to be perfectly honest we're all just fans of the culture and we love Japanese food. My only trouble is that I really just don't know where to start when it comes to planning and making meals. There seem to be so many options and while I know how to make many of the things I see around, I just don't know what to include. Any suggestions on good ways to get started?Bento boxes for beginners?
-20 easy bento box recipes:鈥?/a>

good luck these ones are so cute but there are tons more out there. you will want all the little Accessories like the cupcake holders and the rice molds. they are all about patience and love there are alot of small pieces and designs so give yourself some time.Bento boxes for beginners?
I have no idea! But I love japanese food too!! Include rice cooked using rice cooker! And seaweed. And salmon. =D

I'm hungry,Bento boxes for beginners?
Go to this screen for pictures and recipes for beginners:

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