Monday, February 20, 2012

Going for a long trip need bento help?

Im making a bento for sunday. we are leaving at 8 in the morning and i have no time to make it the same day. So can i make it the day before?

My bento box has got a small apartment for ice in the lid for keeping cold. so storage is no problemGoing for a long trip need bento help?
of course you can make it the night before

i make 2 bento lunches every night

pop em in the fridge

they are grabbed out in the morning ready to goGoing for a long trip need bento help?
When I pack lunches for a trip, I put together the bread and the veggie slices (or natural peanut butter and jelly) on the whole wheat bread and put it in a sandwich container. I like hte Tupperware ones. They're expensive, but effective. (I've even used one as a freezer container.) Then I put my ketchup and mustard in a small container to add when I want it. THis way, the bread doesn't get soggy. (However, I like it when the bread gets soggy from the PB %26amp; J. It seems to inensify the taste.) I also put in my portable fruit like oranges and bananas in the small cooler as well as baby carrots, celery, etc. I also pack a bag of snacks-- Kashi and/or Triscuits, Whole Foods fruit and grain bars, granola bars (Kashi and/or Cascadian Farms). I even take along dry cereal mixes. (Honey Sunshine, Kashi Heart to Heart, Cheerios, HOney Nut Cheerios, Cascadian Farms Cinnamon Crunch, Cascadian Farms Fruitful Os, EnviroKidz Gorilla Munch, EnviroKidz Leaping Lemurs and anything else we have that might work. I also add raisins and peanuts and semi-sweet chocolate chips.)

Also, do a search for "bento lunches" and you should find some good things.

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